The Promo Codes
Let's all profit!
The Idea
The Swiss NFT Fund began with the idea to make involvement with the project profitable for everyone. With that idea in mind, we are proud to introduce a feature that will provide monetary benefit for both store customers and the entire AllTimeHigh NFT community of holders: The Swiss NFT Fund Promo Code.
The Promo Code
To obtain the promo code, you must possess an AllTimeHigh NFT. Each NFT is paired with its own promo code, which the holder may issue at will. When a purchase is made through the respective link, the link owner will receive a referral commission of 10% of the total purchase value to be distributed as rewards to the holder in the form of Ethereum on a monthly basis. The Holder may claim these rewards at any time.
A store customer using a promo code will be granted a 20% discount off their total purchase. (before any shipping/taxes)
The remaining profit will be distributed to all AllTimeHigh NFT holders.
Opportunities Available
Private investors will get the opportunity to actively influence their profits through promo code discounts provided to friends, family, or even social media followers.
Similar opportunities are available to communities of established NFT projects. Owning a single AllTimeHigh NFT can provide discounts to members of their respective communities while generating funds for the community wallet. Members of the communities are able to demonstrate their community loyalty and contribute to the community wallet through a purchase using the promo code.
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