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🇨🇭Swiss NFT Fund

The Big Winner in the Next Bull Run

The Idea

Have you been involved with NFTs for a while, perhaps owning a few that turned out to be cash-grabs? Do you find it difficult to choose among the multitude of NFTs those that will succeed? Or do you simply lack the financial means to buy NFTs that actually have potential? We wanted to address these problems that many NFT investors face. For this reason, we created the Swiss NFT Fund. Swiss NFT Fund provides investors the opportunity to participate and profit from a diversified NFT portfolio according to their individual financial circumstances.

The Swiss NFT Fund

The Swiss NFT Fund is a project that aims to leverage the current bear market conditions in order to maximize return on investment /passive income in the next bull run and provide an advantageous investment opportunity in the near term. This is all premised on a simple concept: We, Swiss NFT Fund, curate a portfolio(a project wallet) of both promising and potential Bluechip projects, as well as existing Bluechip collections with the best potential to multiply in value during the next bull market. To return profit to our investors, we utilize the SwissNFTFund token. When an NFT is sold from the portfolio, we execute a buyback of our own tokens with sales proceeds to burn them and diminish supply. This effects an increase in the valuation of the tokens.

How the Fund is Funded

Simply put, taxes are incurred on both the purchase and sale of SwissNFTFund tokens. These taxes exclusively benefit the community. The founders do not receive any percentage of the tax! (Learn more about the exact composition of the taxes under the section: Tokenomics) Of course, we know that this type of funding requires volume to fulfill its purpose. For this reason, we are integrating the launch of the AllTimeHigh NFTs collection with the financing of the fund. A full 100% of the investments collected during the launch of the collection will be directed into the Swiss NFT Fund. This ensures we can diversify into and purchase bluechip NFT collections in the shortest time possible. Not to mention the utility of the AllTimeHigh NFTs collection itself. (Curious? Check out the section AllTimeHigh NFTs)

How the Fund Is Managed

As part of the development of the project, we are collaborating with FungibleTokn (

FungibleTokn is an NFT enthusiast and former BAYC Holder who has been involved with NFTs since 2018 and now makes his living from them. Previously, he worked in marketing, technology and process expierience for more than 20 years. His strengths lie in selecting underpriced NFT collections and his strong network in the crypto world. He is primarily responsible for the management of the Swiss NFT Fund portfolio (the project wallet).

Nevertheless, we greatly value and encourage lively exchange amongst members of the community. We welcome feedback, suggestions and collaborative effort within the Swiss NFT Fund community.

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